To All Prospective Students of Unarius

When I was a little boy (five or six) I asked my mother if I had to keep going to Sunday school. She said, "What’s the matter, don’t you like the teacher?" I said that I liked her all right but that I couldn’t believe the stories we were reading, they all sounded like fairy tales to me. After some further conversation, I asked, "What about all the other religions, how do you know which is the right one?" At that point she said, "Oh! everyone thinks that their religion is the right one." My immediate response was, "Well then it’s all wishful thinking."

From that time on I gave absolutely no credence to anything of a religious nature. It wasn’t until many years later that I came in contact with Unarius. I had been going through a particularly rough time of it and was feeling completely discouraged. One day I said to a good friend, "I don’t know why I even bother to get out of bed in the morning." He asked, "Would you be willing to try something completely different from anything you’ve ever heard of?" I replied, "That would be the number one requirement. It would have to be completely different from anything I've ever heard of for me to want to try it."

The upshot was that I sent a letter to the Center, and a couple of days later (Uriel)/Ruth Norman called me and we talked for a while. After a few minutes she said, "I’m sending you this Healing Energy, can you feel it?" I said that I couldn’t and she said, "Well don’t worry, you will!" That night I went to bed feeling just as bad as ever, and when I woke up I felt like everything was absolutely perfect. I said to my self, "Wow this is Peace of Mind! I then went to the Center and got some books and have been studying them ever since. Unarius has changed my life completely!

If you are having a hard time finding anything worthwhile and that doesn’t seem like a lot of ‘pie in the sky,’ you may be one of the ready ones who may find in Unarius the same solution that I found. Just as my friend said, "completely different from anything you have ever heard of." The reason Unarius is completely different is because Unarius is the only "True" teaching since the time of Jesus and which is basically the same Principles which Jesus taught, (adapted to the science of the present day) but which has not been corrupted by the church hierarchy to keep the power in the hands of the priesthood.

When Columbus told people that the world was round instead of flat, everyone said he was crazy. All their lives, they had been subjected to complete misinformation as to the nature of the universe, so that the truth sounded like the ravings of a lunatic. This is pretty much the situation that exists today. The "Unarius Principles" today are an exact parallel with Columbus five hundred years ago. They are no less as true as the earth being round. If you can keep an open mind you will find in Unarius the greatest opportunity of your life!

As the famous quotation says, "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free." You will be freed from the need to listen to any politician, priest, rabbi, preacher, professor, news-commentator or so-called spiritual teacher, faith-healer or any of the 'talking heads' on TV who sets themselves up on some pedestal as the last word in so-called wisdom. Instead you can turn to the Unarius Library and there find, the "Truth".

For your Enlightenment and Peace of Mind you can go "Inside" and there find "The Kingdom of Heaven Within."

Al McGowan, Editor

P.S. The "Healing Energy" I received was only a temporary healing, an incentive to get me "hooked," so that I would begin to study Unarius, because ultimately, it’s up to each individual to heal themselves. All the Help and Power you need is in the books. No one can do it for you!

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In another vein, as far as the "landing of extra terrestrials" is concerned, I have compiled a list of 31quotes from Ernest L. Norman and his wife Ruth (Uriel). These quotes would all have been totally discredited if there had been a "landing". Over and over Dr. Norman stated that there would not be any outside interference from other planets, completely and totally opposed to all of the hype about a landing by extraterrestrials.

If you are interested in reading these quotes,  Please click here.

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