A Discussion On Metaphysical Concepts ~ Part II

by Ernest L. Norman

The concepts we are talking about in this time and place could be said in different ways or in different words; for instance, like Nietzsche, who talked of the Superman. The Superman we have talked about is the sum and total of consciousness after man has passed, as a polarity, through a great number of dimensions of consciousness, and after he has become aware of these basic frequency structures which relate him to Infinity. He has become aware of this because, again, he has maintained polarity in two different dimensions; first, through the experience dimension where he retained the idiom of experience in all its relationships. These, in turn, as harmonic structures, related him to an equal number of dimensions of consciousness in another form and another polarity in a different place. And so the pattern runs. You see the complexity these concepts can begin to assume.

Only the people who have gone into mathematics and electronics and have worked with such things as sine wave generators, oscilloscopes and other instruments can barely begin to comprehend the complexity of what we are trying to evaluate. Regarding our function of life in the common language in which we could interpret it as wave forms and harmonic structures, frequency relationships, spectrums, dimensions, etc., we are, in such concepts, really beginning to conceive life as it should be realized. So, it is a wonderful science and really a challenge to anyone who wants to throw aside all of this balderdash and chicanery that is running riot and rampant through the various channels of advertising media which we see about us every day. They use innuendos, pseudonyms and various other things that hint at this and name fictional names, which are sometimes composite forms of all idiomatic expressions, concepts which have been used in occultisms for thousands of years, merely to impress people with a false sense of mysticism.

People, as a whole, like to worship; they like to engage in idolatry. Even when Moses turned his back on the Israelites for just a few days, they set up the golden calf. And why do they like to do these things? Simply because they are escape mechanisms. Morally, people are shiftless and lazy. Spiritually, they are even worse. They are only forced into doing these things because they have a great and vast system of laws, regulations and various social structures, moral incriminations, laws in which the average person is literally squeezed and pushed into a certain channel as a function of some socialized system, whether we call it a democracy or capitalism, communism or whatever particular thing we want to call it. The conditions and their causations and effects are exactly similar. Because in the first place, we have a population that is dissimilar in exact proportion to the number of people of which it is composed. No two people are the same, but the concept of government, social structures, etc., as we know them on the earth today, relegate people to one size or hole in the screen of life. Everybody is made the same. If one person becomes greater than anyone else, has something greater, sees or does something greater, he is immediately ostracized. Countless thousands of people rise up against him in an attempt to pull him down. This is directly in contrast and presents a very strange paradox to a psychological escape mechanism which he calls idolatry. He likes to worship but he loves to tear his heroes down. Isn’t that strange?

Once you start to equate these things, as we say, in the reactionary sense from such psychological values that are contained in the reactionaryism—which reverts back to the subconscious and the various primal motivating forces which were compounded into that subconscious matrix—man begins to lift his consciousness. This is so because man is not a thinking machine, he does not possess a thinking mind. If he did, he wouldn’t do all these strange and paradoxical things that he does. A man or woman will love each other until they can possess each other, then love becomes something which is like a cage to confine an animal and treat it as such. The same thing goes for many other different aspects of life. Men will idolize a national hero like Eisenhower or any other President before they elect him, and before he is in office a year, he will have ten million bitter enemies, the bitterest of his enemies sometimes those who helped elect him!

It was the same 2000 years ago. Jesus rode into the gates of Jerusalem on the donkey. They waved palm branches and hailed him as a Messiah, and a few days later, the same people helped to crucify him. So they really never begin to get anywhere; they never stop being reactionary, like creatures of the jungle. He is influenced as is the leaf on the tree by the wind. He is constantly influenced by the will of countless other people who are in that same dimension of consciousness. Man becomes subjective to every particular force or pressure which is concurrently stirring in the world about him! He really isn’t a human being in the sense he believes himself to be, for he is just an atom, just a piece of driftwood, something which has a certain mechanical function, to work, to pay taxes and to be one more of the digits on the census system. But as a thinker, man never really becomes a thinker until he gets beyond that point where he refuses to subscribe to the various reactionary elemental forces which are swirling in this world of consciousness about him. The only way man can refuse to so live is when he learns that there is something better, when he learns what he really is, or what he can become and what he can have; when he learns that he is an actual polarity, in every sense of the word, with the whole Infinite Cosmogony, then he will refuse to react, either as a whipped cur or some great general, a political leader, or whatever other particular expression of life you might expect any human being to assume.

Up until all of that, with the fanfare and falderal, man now begins to assume a position in that consciousness as a polarity in which he is oscillating with the Infinite. One man put it thus—and he probably didn’t even consciously know what he was really talking about—”In tune with the Infinite.” When man actually becomes “in tune” with that Infinite, he will pass from that reactionary plane of life. Oh, it may take him a few years, maybe even a few lifetimes or a few hundred lifetimes. It depends upon how much of that attunement man can achieve at one time or in one lifetime, and just how much moral virtue, stamina and spiritual integrity he may express; how much of the courage of his convictions he can assume in his own personal relationship to the reactionary forces he is leaving behind.

In the great Spiritual Worlds which are ahead are people who begin to think or who become consciously attuned with the Infinite, those people are vastly different than the people we find in the material world today. They are different in so many ways, it is very difficult to describe what they are. They aren’t the people who go into seance rooms or hover close around in some of these astral planes of consciousness, close to the surface of the earth with great psychotic pressures, because when people die, they don’t lose these various psychological malformations and aberrations; they become only increasingly conscious of them. And those people who hover around close to the surface of the earth, slip in and out of the physical plane wherever they can. They influence, they badger, they beg, they lie, they cheat, they steal, in every psychic form of consciousness they can possibly imagine. But we are not speaking of those people of the lower astral because they aren’t any more advanced than the rest of the people on earth or those whom they are coercing in that particular way. We’re talking about those people who have gone on—those who have progressed in their evolution.

I am sure we have tried to give some of that information in the books; we are giving it to the people in a way in which they can understand it. I feel equally sure, when the day and the time comes when we, ourselves as individuals go into those worlds, and, shall I say, become as physically conscious of the Higher World as we are of this one at this present time, these experiences and expressions are all going to be very different. I know that; I am very consciously aware of it, and that is the reason I always have the feeling the books are inadequate. They fall far short of the mark, and I feel sure that feeling is shared universally by the ones who participated in bringing these books into consciousness. But it is the only way in which these “little children” can begin to learn. It is justified, at least on this premise, that if they can only begin to become consciously aware of something beyond this treadmill they’re on, then there is hope for them. Presently, they certainly have had no hope, no realization; they have been fed this fodder and this garbage which has assumed all kinds of forms and shapes, always headed by one name, “spiritual truth.” It is anything but that.

Every one has become a blind alley, a place littered with garbage cans and refuse, from heaven only knows how many past ages —a way in which they have to reach the end. Then it ceases to be of any more value and they have to turn their faces around and tread their way back out and ‘unlearn it’ all over again. Each time they have to do that, they become more sick, they become more malformed, they become more dissolute, less of that moral integrity, more of the physical weaknesses and infirmities and disease which always accompanies these things.

Yet there is always one thing, one difference as to just how far people can get beyond this reactionaryism which every person carries in their mind (which they call their philosophy of life)—this rubbish pile, this pail full of garbage, because that’s all it really is. It’s bits and litter and debris, this, that and the other they pick up from the moment they left the cradle—not only from this life but heaven knows how many other former lives! And they’ve accepted it because it had one or two elements which, when anything possesses those elements, they would accept it. Even if it was a dragon that breathed fire, if that dragon possessed the same elements, they would accept that dragon into their own home and it would burn them down just as quickly. And those two elements are mysticism and idolatry! (Mysticism that appealed to them from back in the old—old days when they were frightened by the elemental forces of which they knew nothing.) That became the first, the prime, motivating fear of their life—fear of the mystical, fear of the unknown.

Call it wave forms of intelligence, call it cycular patterns, call it whatever you wish, but it’s still there. It has built a fence around so many people—a fence man is quite powerless and incapable of climbing over and destroying, or even looking through; a fence built of stones and intangibles. Even Jesus would have a hard time tearing some of those fences down; impossible, because even though the individual knows these things are hemming him in, he would become very angry at having them removed because he has nothing else to support the loss of something familiar, nothing else with which to rationalize those things that support the structures of his life, evil as they are! Yes, this has been the way of the earthman for lo, countless thousands of years. However, now he does have the science of Unarius to teach him the true way to learn to live a more progressive evolution—and eternally.

Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. II

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