Man’s Greatest Fear

by Ernest L. Norman

Without question or doubt, the greatest single fear so far as the general races of humanity are concerned is the fear of death and taking a secondary place of importance, though not one of fear, is the concept of birth. How strange then it is that mankind lives in fear of death, anticipates with joy the events of birth, yet knows nothing of the basic facts which relate these two events so closely together. Only when we understand the scientific application of knowledge as it is applied in the factors of evolution called reincarnation, do we substantially increase the knowledge and ascertain for ourselves the direct relationship between these two important events.

Almost needless to point out that when such knowledge is available to every human, and humanity as a whole has inseminated this knowledge, man will be by contrast, just as much in joyous anticipation of the event of death as he is presently in the event of birth. For they are, in fact, the doorway in and out of the spiritual worlds. While some knowledge and evaluations have already been given in the numerous liturgies of Unarius, we shall, however, at this time attempt to more fully portray the scientific concept and circumstances which enter into both death and birth. It will also serve and facilitate your understanding in the whole problem of progressive evolution and show why it is that people are born into the world in their present state of circumstance.

Let us take, for example, one of the ordinary citizens of our time. We will call him John Q. Citizen, or just plain John; he has just passed into that Netherland or spirit world through the doorway of death. Now John as an average citizen had no particular or dominating characteristics; he drove an average car, had the average number of children, was married to an average woman and had the usual church affiliations. He voted and paid his taxes and held down a steady job. All of these various material factors were, of course, the necessity and the supporting edifice of his material drive or life. Now John, like everyone, has a psychic anatomy, so when he found himself separated from the physical body he was quite concerned about the event; perhaps not so much at first, but he became more involved in the situation after a little while. Consciousness of the surface of his conscious mind was absent, and as his psychic anatomy did have a very strong subconscious portion, his mental part of his psychic anatomy began oscillating back and forth with the subconscious; and in a sense, the mental psychic anatomy lived through the different wave-form picturizations which were presently in oscillation. The condition was a form of consciousness, and so far as the psychic anatomy was concerned was something which was very much like a rather vivid dream—one which you may yourself have had at one time or another. However, the solid substantial reality of his former earth life was gone. He did not have the full reactive physical connotation of different factors involved in this nightmare, dream-like state of consciousness.

Also as he did not possess any knowledge of the spiritual worlds, he was therefore quite unconscious of the great Infinite Cosmogony around him, just as he was in his earth life, so none of the more highly Advanced Intellects could come to him and help him because he refused to acknowledge them; he could not be conscious of them, etc. Therefore, in this dream state of consciousness, he relived through his subconscious into the mental part of the psychic anatomy, the different transpositions and events that took place in his material life. As he progressed further in time in this spiritual state of consciousness—this nebulous hinterland—he became more and more involved in the problem of trying to reinstate himself back into the material world.

If you have thoroughly studied the second lesson course and the lesson on the psychic anatomy, you will more fully understand the problem which John had. It was also complicated by the fact that he did not have a conscious mind, therefore, the present reality, or as I have said, the dominant solidity of his former existence was missing. Therefore such efforts or functions which he made had to be carried on strictly on the basis of frequency relationships; in this respect he was or was not attuned to different energy transpositions which were taking place about him. That is why he could not maintain consciousness with the Infinite Cosmogony, and it is also the reason why, when some time later, certain different wave forms of energy began streaming into his psychic anatomy, these wave forms of energy, he recognized, or in other words, he oscillated with them.

They were the wave forms of energy given off by two people who were very much in love, and as it so happened, they were his grandchildren. These two young people had been married and were about to put in their order for a baby.

Now, these love vibrations came to John very strongly; he, too, had a sexual drive and had lived in a world filled with sexual impulses. So it was quite natural, then, that John should go like a homing pigeon to the scene wherein the future mother-to-be was being impregnated. We must still bear in mind that John had little or no knowledge of what was going on, he was merely attracted to the scene because it was the only thing he understood, and so he ‘tuned into’ it. At the moment when the spermatozoon, or germ cell of the father entered into the ovum or female germ cell, there was automatically set in motion through the chromosomes and genes a very complex oscillating condition. It involved the psychic anatomies of both parents, for it is so, that through the electromagnetic fields in the atomic constituents of the atoms, sort of a telepathic condition exists continuously between these two parents, and the ovum and the spermatozoon are in the act of beginning to pair off and of starting fission or the generation of a number of physical cells and which will, in time, constitute the entire physical anatomy of the fetus or the child-to-be. Therefore it was that John became very thoroughly involved in the oscillations which were going on through these genes on the basis of compatible frequency relationships.

Now his subconscious here was of little or no value whatsoever; his relationship to this process was carried on more from the mental portion of his psychic anatomy. Also, as he had not developed a Superconscious Self, or facsimile of the Infinite, this cell of Superconscious was a dormant factor and remained passive more or less to a certain extent throughout the whole procedure. As time progressed, and the cells began to multiply and the first rudimentary form of the infant began to develop, John became more and more intermeshed or intertwined with the process going on. The parent psychic anatomies were still in full force; they were still objectifying the different continuities of physical form which they, themselves, were so currently expressing. There were also other connotations of wave forms which went on, back through the different lifetimes of these two parents. John also was, to some extent in this oscillating process, exerting some influence in his own way and manner, although it was in his particular case, rather dormant.

He was not as strong a personality, in a sense, as were the two parents’ psychic anatomies. That would simply mean he would be born into the world in a physical body which looked very much like either one or both of the parents, and he would not exert a very strong or dominating influence one way or the other. Also, John would not remember his former life; that is, he would not remember it as you would remember the incidents which happened in your life from yesterday. That is because the different consonant frequencies in his subconscious psychic anatomy were ‘out of phase’ with the present forming psychic anatomy of the infant, for as the psychic anatomy formed, it was also related to the exact and proportionate development of the physical anatomy.

This psychic anatomy development was, as I have just explained, the combination of the three different psychic anatomies involved. The subconscious, however, had not developed; for if you remember in your lesson course, the subconscious is that portion of the psychic anatomy which reflects, or oscillates, or reacts directly with the surface of the conscious mind. Now, as the fetus or infant had but only a very small beginning of his conscious mind or brain beginning to grow, he did not have any oscillating surface to speak of. Moreover, the brain in itself is a two-way conductor. That is, the five senses of the infant, such as sight, sound, touch, etc., had not begun to function. He had only barely begun to feel, in a sense of the word, and so the whole situation was still a telepathic communication and a regeneration in different wave forms which were constantly building the framework of his psychic anatomy. And as this building process went on, John was very busy interweaving himself, so to speak, with the different intricacies of the wave-form patterns which were going into his psychic anatomy. That would mean, of course, that when the infant was born he would carry over all of the different intents and purposes, all of the development, and all of the psychic shocks which he had impounded in his psychic anatomy from previous lifetimes. If you remember, these are wave-form impregnations and vortexal patterns which have been developed and polarized in the mental part of the psychic anatomy. It is this part of the psychic anatomy which remains insoluble throughout time, and can be carried over a period of many thousands of years before there are any basic changes taking place in it. It is a rather slow process of development as it is concerned with the average citizen such as John.

Soon, however, John was to be born into the world. Up until this time he really had not had very much to say about the whole thing; in fact, he had not even properly determined his sex, and so he could very easily have been born into the world as a female. However, this was of very small concern to John because he had been born a female in a number of past lifetimes, just as he had lived a number of other lifetimes as a male. In that way he had, in his evolution developed the whole consensus of evolution in the male and female polarities. He could properly live in the present because all of the factors of these different evaluations and relationships with the different perspectus were oscillating in the various vortexes of his psychic anatomy, and he could relate them through the subconscious in a normal fashion and integrate his surface life accordingly.

And so it was of rather small significance whether John would be born male or female. The point which is most important to remember is that he was carrying all of his former lifetime impregnations in that mental part of his psychic anatomy, and so far as his subconscious was concerned, it was, to some extent, out of phase or out of tune with the present, and it could therefore only exist, or partially exist, in some respects, as an influential factor. Now, after John was born as a new infant, the process of breathing oxygen was immediately resumed; this is one of the factors which he had lived through in being born many other times, and so it was quite natural that his mental psychic anatomy could, at the proper moment—and instigated by such reactive factors as were then presently dominating him—oscillate with these factors and complete the whole mental and physical reaction which started the breathing process.

This was quite true with all other different functions, voluntary, or involuntary throughout his entire physical and mental anatomies. Now his mental anatomy or brain was still comparatively underdeveloped. The brain cells were, however, fully empowered to do their respective jobs. In the different cortexal layers, there were certain brain cells which would conduct wave forms in one direction, but they would not conduct them in the reverse fashion. When these different layers of brain cells were so interjected and reconnected through the oscillating process with the subconscious and mental conscious, John could therefore, go through all of the complex reactionary and reflex automations and the voluntary reactions which are normally associated with life. This was his first new process of reorientation into his new environment, and at the moment of birth the subconscious began to rapidly develop so that during the next five years, he would very actively form some of the more basic patterns of his relationship to the world which would last him throughout this present physical life.

This fact is known to present-day psychology and it is in this analysis that certain elements of psychosomatic medicine are entered into; however, the psychologist always stops short of the threshold of birth. He is not clairvoyantly developed and therefore does not look back into the different past lifetimes which are, in all cases with all humans, much more dominant than are the present lifetime forms.

Now, for contrast, let us take a person whom we shall call Mary. Mary is a more highly developed person than is John; that is, she is a person who has gone through many more lifetimes than has John; she has passed more time in the spiritual worlds, and she has approached that often mentioned threshold of perception wherein she has begun to recognize the vast infinite and the numerous mansions or dimensions of which it is so constructed.

In this precognition and preconditioned state, let us trace the course of Mary through practically the same period as we did with John. When Mary lost her physical body and found herself in the spiritual worlds, the conditions were quite different in many respects; she did not have that very highly-developed portion of the subconscious psychic anatomy as did John. She had, in her former associations, begun to lose that portion of the psychic anatomy called the subconscious because she had begun to attach less and less importance to the different factors of her material world; she had begun substituting and rebuilding her psychic anatomy from the different factors and other knowledge which she had gleaned in her spiritual lives.

And so when Mary found herself in the spiritual world and devoid of the flesh, she could look about her through the shell of this astral body which we have called the subconscious, and she could see something of the Infinite Cosmogony going on about her. She could see her friends and her relatives who had advanced and gone beyond the point that John had gone. She could see also other Advanced Intelligences or Beings who were coming to her aid and assistance, and who would help her in whatever endeavor she so wished to further plan for herself in future evolutions and reincarnations into the earth plane. And so Mary would spend some time among these spiritual people; she would study her own Akashic record, which is, in all essence and effect through certain devices, known to the scientists in the spiritual worlds. She would be able, in a mirror-like fashion, to actually look into her psychic anatomy and see the different malformations or the different vortexes which were necessary for her to cancel out when she returned to the earth.

And so she would again be born into the world in much the same manner and form as was John, with some exceptions here again, of course. In that process which began with the impregnation, she would exert much more effect on the rebuilding of the psychic anatomy than John could possibly have hoped to achieve. She would be able to do this somewhat voluntarily or consciously to the degree that when she was born into the world, she would quite naturally be different from her parents in certain basic respects. She would be an advanced personality or an old soul which would be discernible to even a common ordinary layman. She would be different in many ways; she would have talents or developments, or expressions which were beyond the normal range of human expression. She would also be able to exert much more influence with her own particular personality on her fellow man than would John.

And so the pattern goes. We can personally find some of these people going about in their different daily tasks, and yet we know them to be people who have gone beyond the ordinary boundaries which hold the average earth man.

They are people who have approached that mysterious threshold of life which separates them from the great unknown or the Infinite; and in this approaching process, they are, in actual reality, entering into their own personal millennium—that phase of development which may take thousands of years, or it may take millions. The time is not important. That which is important is this: that each person should most ultimately achieve some destiny in these higher worlds of expression, that this person should suitably develop mentally to the point where he or she—and here again sex is entirely absent in the higher worlds—can become a constructive oscillating polarity with the Infinite Consciousness. It is in this way that the Infinite Consciousness achieves Its most ultimate development. For in the highly-developed spiritual personality, Infinite Consciousness, which has formerly been called God or gods by some of the heathen aspects of earth-world dispensations, has, in essence, recreated the exact functioning facsimile of It.

Thus the pattern continues. We can analyze and introspect these different factors in our daily life. Introspection is of the utmost importance and it is equally important that we learn to analyze and to introspect objectively without being influenced by those subversive elements which are constantly oscillating in our subconscious selves. For the subconscious is our old self. It is the thing which we must ultimately destroy. We must replace it with a body which will enable us to live in the higher spiritual worlds. But as for now it is your astral body; it is the body which will, to some extent, either impede you or aid you when you make your transition into the spiritual worlds. It will aid you if you have refined it to the point where it becomes some sort of a window which will enable you to peer through the maze of material dispensations and see the Infinite, to see those who are stretching out their hands to help you.

Excerpt from Tempus Procedium

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