Understanding Equality As Infinite Diversity

by Ernest L. Norman

It is universally recognized that these are indeed perilous times which involve great differences, not only between nations of the world, but racial differences among nations themselves. With this thought in mind, perhaps it would be well to pass a few moments of discussion on these various attitudes which are rampant in the world today, so that we may develop a more secure philosophy within the tenets of our own minds; also, in this extension of sundry abstractions, we may gain a more comprehensive evaluation of the Infinite as a whole.

If we were to look at certain current statistics or scan the various headlines in newspapers, we would say, in reading these diverse and sundry descriptions of life as they are lived throughout the world today, that civilizations, or races as a whole, are at this present time, falling flat on their faces; we are in an age of rapidly accelerating decadency. In fact we could say that in every common expression of daily life, we would find some example or some particular display of decadency, which would seemingly motivate us or propel the world into some abysmal reaches or into eventual destruction.

The cold war of Russia as a conflict between ideologies is a typical case; also, we could point out different existences as they manifest in numerous racial groups throughout the world; the black man as he is so living as an Americanized or naturally born American citizen, the differences in races and in the various expressions of people as a whole, which are largely the product of their evolution, the singular attribute that every human mind must constantly maintain its ability to single out, for the moment, and extract from the emotional experience its value, and compound this experience with other such extractions as they have been lived in previous experiences and that the whole compound being lived from life to life will conceivably, in a progressive manner of evolution, so elevate this particular person to a much broader understanding of the Infinite as a whole. This could naturally occur if this individual does not become unbalanced in various negative valences and become enmeshed in the carnal consequences of various undischarged psychic conditions.

Perhaps of all the many idealisms perpetuated by mankind, in his general anthropology from generation to generation or from civilization to civilization, we should consider such idealisms as are contained in the Constitution of the United States; some of these idealisms, while they may seem to be very worthy, could be, in the more extreme extensions, a misunderstood or misapplied knowledge of the Infinite and actually become destructive in nature. For instance, let us take the idealism as it is postulated in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence; that all men are created equal. While it may seem that this is one of the most worthy idealisms, it has been historically proven to be one of these destructive idealisms; inasmuch as it is universally practiced among the various peoples of the United States, they have differentiated according to their own individual propensities and their own mentality that which constituted the equality of mankind and in particular how it affected them personally.

Actually, equality, in any sense of the word, is a mirage; it is a nonexistent and presupposed element which has always been in the consciousness of mankind and, in itself, relegates the thinking processes of man into other diverse interrelated expressions which, to some extent, do have a similarity with equality. We can say that the old law of Moses, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” was a way in which equality was so expressed in a reactionary manner and form. Yes, even the Golden Rule given by Jesus, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” is merely another system of equality. While it may seem to be a great idealism, yet, as it assumes certain derivatives of personal consciousness among sundry individuals who try to use it as a basis for their own personal motivations and reactions, this Golden Rule, just as all other systems of equalities, leads into tremendous stresses and many other destructive mental and material practices.

A much better method to use in equalizing the various differences in life is to sublimate them into an interdimensional consciousness; to actually relegate them into the expression of Principle itself. The proposition of equality has given rise to many conflicts, not only of a personal nature, but also, in effect, it was the means of instigating the disastrous Civil War. Today racial groups in this country are posed in antagonistic attitudes toward each other, simply because they are presupposing equalities on a material or a life basis. They do not understand the principles of equality as they are posed in Infinite Consciousness. To better understand how principle is sustained in all equalities, we must look into the Infinite Consciousness Itself to see how we can obtain a better derivation of what equality should really consist.

In order to do this we will again revert to the cardinal principle of the Infinite Creator, that this Infinite Creator or Intelligence is not only the sum and total of all things visible and invisible, but it is the activating regenerating principle which is constantly maintaining these diverse forms in interdimensional manners and ways. The Infinite, therefore, cannot be misconstrued at any time to be an individual or a being. Therefore, He is not inclined in various emotional values of life. He is not emotionally concerned with any one or a number of configurations which comprise Infinity, simply because Infinity is, in Itself, a part of all of these various particular interdimensional manifestations and forms. The Infinite, in a sense, can be correctly assumed to be all-powerful, all-wise, and immortal in all things.

So far as the relationship of each individual is concerned toward the Creator, each is, by necessity of his existence, and by his position on the scale of evolution, emotionally connected with the Infinite Creator. Mankind universally, and as a whole, now so living upon the surface of this earth, is emotional in nature. No man, in the past or present, could be completely absolved of all the emotional values as they concern the earth life. Therefore, it is imperative that we at once transfer the point of focus, as it were, from the position of equality as one is equal to another, to the place where it most properly belongs – equality exists only with the Infinite Creator.

Mankind, as a whole and as he so lives today, is not a created individual; he is a product of evolution. He is a compounded number of values which have survived the idiom of the personal ego from one particular lifetime to the next. In the various different experiences of these numerous lifetimes, he has lived by the basic elements of philosophy as they have surrounded him in his material world. These were reactionary in nature and the very drive or libido, which sustained him in these various lifetimes, was propagated and necessitated by a system of comparisons with his fellow man. This system of comparisons or equalities has given rise to many of the baser criminal propensities which have been expressed so universally among mankind.

To be equal to your neighbor, to be as wealthy as someone else, to have the opulence in clothing, and sundry other different displays in the material life, has led many individuals into various devious pathways of life, to become criminals and various other typical kinds of mental and physical inebriates. The principle of equality should be universally understood and expressed among mankind, as a way and a method in which all expressions of life can be equalized in the eye or mind of the Infinite Creator, as a certain proposition of regeneration in various experience life forms which are motivated by the cardinal principle which equalizes all things; that is, regeneration: the living from one experience to the next, from one day to another – should be lived in the sense that we understand properly the values of creation, and this creation is constantly expressing itself universally about us.

Equality will be achieved in any person in his mental perspectus when he can conceive this universality of equality as it is being universally expressed by the Infinite Creator. He will, however, inversely be plunged into the pits of despair and helplessness, if he tries to equate this general principle of regeneration and equality into the proposition that he is equal to his neighbor. He should realize at all times that the inequalities as they are expressed by every human being are, in themselves, direct attributes which can be said to be expressive attributes of the Infinite Creator as they are lived through every individual. We could well imagine the chaos which would exist in the world if everyone looked alike, dressed alike, and had the same interpretation of values as did all other people. To say the least, such a world would indeed be a monotonous place in which to live. In fact, the proposition of equality, as it exists in the Constitution, automatically defeats itself in the supposition or the presentation of this equality. That is, the equalities in the freedom of speech, worship, and various different expressionary forms of life, as they are all varied and diverse and possess no equalities in themselves, would automatically defeat the proposition of equality as it was expressed individually or collectively by mankind.

Therefore, to generally conclude such suppositions would be to immediately supplant this vicious practice of mental logistics, which attempts to equalize one person with another, with a more realistic approach and understanding of life and the connection of every individual to the Infinite Creator. We, as individuals, must, in the concourse of evolution and as we live from life to life, be reasonably able to arrive at some more ultimate destination with a great achievement in relationship to our mental perspectus. That is, we will be interdimensionally minded and a functioning unit of Infinity as we are connected to the Infinite Creator Itself. In this respect too, Infinity is maintained and no two such highly developed or evolved personalities could be considered, by any stretch of imagination, to be exactly the same. They would all express individually the same individual propensities and various other different attributes of infinity as the Infinite was capable of expressing Itself; none of these highly developed personalities would ever attempt to equalize himself on the common basis of divers values which the earth man has set up for himself.

Even our monetary systems, our numerous social structures, and our moral codes, written or unwritten, are merely attempts to equalize mankind. That is the reason all people today are lawbreakers. Every person in our United States is living under a system of laws which is extremely complex, and it is estimated that there are at least eight to ten thousand laws which are constantly, in effect, governing every individual at any moment of his life. It is, therefore, theoretically or practically impossible to conclude a days work or a twenty-four hour period of life which does not involve breaking at least one or more of these laws. While these evaluations may seem to be a bit tenuous, yet they exist nevertheless, and it is merely one more way of proving the entire fallacy of equality.

The Infinite Creator, in its infinite number of ways of expression in the constructive and reconstructive evolutions of interdimensional interplays, does so continuously defeat this proposition of equality, and if we wish to become infinitely minded, we should destroy at once this fallacious misinterpretation of one of the most carnal laws to which man has ever subjected himself. Equality is merely one more way in which the material man is attempting to sustain, from day to day, or from life to life, the various earth values he has found and impounded into his psychic anatomy and which can be generally summarized as his ego; they are the diverse differences in his makeup as he expresses himself in the community of people in which he lives.

It is fortunate indeed that the Infinite Creator could foresee these various weaknesses in the mental attitudes and philosophies of mankind as he evolved in his upward path in evolutions; in foreseeing that in the more primitive pages of man’s progression, equality would be one of the sustaining drives in his material world. The Infinite Creator, likewise, made it physically and mentally impossible to ever achieve such equalities; in fact, the more strongly this false concept was pursued, the more this individual who was so pursuing this fallacious interpolation would become submerged in the sundry fallacies of interpretation. It would ultimately resolve in the mental processes of his mind, that he should abandon this attitude and seek out something more realistic by which he could equate the great number of factors of his daily life. So as you live your daily life, in whatever particular niche or expression you so presently find yourself, do not attempt to evaluate the various values of your particular expression with those of your neighbor.

You should in all manners and forms, equate these diverse appearances as the different relative factors of your own evolutionary expression as it was so compounded with the various abstractions of the Infinite Intelligence which has made all things possible for you. The fact that the Infinite is, in Itself, Infinite, will, at some time or other in your future, make Its insistent demand that you should become more and more infinitely minded; and as you progress into the Infinite and become so minded, you will find that the common comparative values such as are found in different earth life equalities have passed, and you will develop a new system of mental logistics which will more basically interpret the various values of life in which you find yourself.

Therefore, in concluding this discussion, we can say, that should the black man – who is presently involved in the sundry conflicts of segregation, as they are being expressed at this time – understand his true position in evolution and the values which could be obtained in that evolution, and also that his neighbor, the white man, could, in a similar manner and form, equate the variant values of progressive evolution, racial differences would cease to exist. The white man and the black man would be on a compatible basis; their life differences would be completely dissolved, and a new concept or a new integration of life could be resolved from the understanding of the sundry true values of interdimensional expression which we have just discussed.

Also, it could be reasonably assumed that, if the nations of the world and the various millions of people which comprise these nations could so universally understand this same infinite proposition, then political systems which stress the differences in ideologies would also be dissolved, and nations as a whole, could consequently resolve themselves into a universal brotherhood of expression in which a symphony of form and motion could be established; one in which all people could realize individually and collectively the universal expression of the Infinite Creator.

However, if this could or would ever come about, or be included in some future age, then the necessity of this earth world and the carnal state of consciousness in which people are presently involved, would pass. We could say that even the necessity of evolution itself would cease to exist; or that the values of various infinities or expressions would be needless; in fact, creation itself would be needless. Our whole concept of creation must involve, not only the higher forms and aspects as they are universally propagated, but we must also include them in the great number of the more primitive expressions which are, by necessity, the starting places in evolution. In this respect we can at least say that the lower dimensions are, to some degree, equal to those which we might call spiritual worlds in their purpose and in their intent in the expression of the Infinite.

However, let us not digress again into this equality concept, for equality must always be universally resolved as a way in which the Infinite Itself is expressing Itself in the equalities of diverse differences in polarities as they pass from one expressive form to the next. Man has not yet, universally speaking, so far as the earth world is concerned, progressed his mental attainment to the point where such equalities can be superimposed in any general synthesis of life. He always automatically instigates strong stresses and frictions within the mental horizon of every individual who so attempts to equalize them on the basis of various earth life dispensations.

Infinite Perspectus – Chapter 19

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