The Aquarian Age

by Ernest L. Norman

During the twentieth century and especially in the latter half of the century, there has been a tremendously accelerated pace in all factors and aspects of mankind on the planet Earth—a great renaissance, as it were, a tremendous abundance and redundancy. Along with electro-mechanical discoveries and developments, the Space Age has blossomed into full flower and along with the more progressive and intellectual developments there has also been a great retrogression—all of which again amply fulfills certain Biblical prophecies. Also as part of this tremendous expansion, there has been a great resurgence in the mystical elements of man’s life—elements which do not more properly belong to orthodox religious structures but should be classified as a resurgence of mystical beliefs coming from the more ancient origins of mankind.

Heading the list of these more popular mystical expressions is astrology; in fact, astrology does proclaim this particular century as the beginning of the Aquarian Age, one of those two-thousand year segments of a twenty-five thousand year cycle of our solar recessional. In any city of the world, in clothing shops, boutiques, offshoot cultisms and subcultures, manners of attire, wearing of long hair and beards, daily habits and expressions, drug usage among the younger people of this generation are all inclined toward the mystical side of this Aquarian Age—and again more properly understood in a broad consensus of cyclic movement and interplay within the interdimensional cosmos.

Today almost all peoples and particularly the younger generation, have been caught up in this mystical resurgence and there are many neophytes, as well as “professionals”—all coming forth with numerous expressions and interpretations as part of their beliefs in this Aquarian Age. Aside from astrology, there has been a resurgency in witchcraft and its attendant cultisims of spiritualistic mediumship, water dowsing, locating hidden wealth and minerals by psychometry, paranormal activities and investigations, etc. It has been estimated there are one million “witches” in the United States.

One life factor, however, which still remains dominant and seems to have suffered little change is death—man’s natural fear of it and a great desire to alleviate or mitigate this fear by whatever means or methods which are existent. Strangely enough, it might seem, the orthodox religions of the world have not supplied the answers to either the mystical resurgence or to the enigma of death and other than a supposed heavenly abode in a fanciful city of New Jerusalem, no other reference has been made by these religions to the possibility of life after death, its consistency, et cetera.

There has, however, appeared numerous articles published in newspapers and other communicative media, books, et cetera, and personal experiences of these people who have had actual living experiences in the next world. Aside from spiritualistic mediumship, most of these are individual experiences which can to some extent be verified. One of the most commonly expressed mystical or psychic experiences experienced by many people is astral flight, the apparent traveling from the body in the psychic or astral body to some distant point or place, then returning to the body and recounting and describing the experience, et cetera.

One of the more widely known cases relates to a young man who, while medically trained, became an inductee in the Unites States Army and during one of the current viral epidemics, he contracted in 1943 a severe pulmonary infection and actually died from this condition. Then for five days and, according to several doctors, the body was apparently lifeless. It was cold, still, no pulse or respiration. All signs of life were gone, yet five days later the young man did return to his body, reactivated it and for many years lived a full and useful life.

Most startling however was his description of what he did and what happened during these five days and this narration particularly verifies the descriptions of Celestial Beings and the great universities I have described in the Pulse of Creation books. Briefly, he tells at the moment of death, a beautiful spiritual Being such as I have described, entered his room, took him from his body, then, in astral flight, over towns and cities to a Higher World where he saw many spiritual people going to great universities, being taught in all the arts and sciences. He even saw the atomic submarine, “The Nautilus”, being built ten years before it was constructed on Earth.

Also, later on after returning to his physical body, in company with a young man, he went to a city he had never been in before and correctly identified a certain white painted restaurant, its location, et cetera which he had seen while in astral flight with the Being. The full account of this story may be had in the December, 1970, issue of “Fate” magazine.

Now all this astral flight and the proposition of this flight may, according to certain statements I have made, seem to be contradictory, so some clarification is in order. I stated that in the astral or fourth-dimensional world no one travels anywhere, which is quite true. The interdimensional cosmos is composed of many dimensions or layers—each dimension can then be further subdivided. Then each subdivision is further divisible and so on, ad infinitum. So far as this interdimensional cosmos is concerned, most of it is composed, shall I say, of energy in different kinds of cyclic forms—all harmonically interrelated.

In the third dimension, one of the plane surfaces of the interdimensional cosmos, these cyclic wave forms assume the subatomic form or atoms, each atom in its specific gravity expressing a facsimile of the spectrum from whence it sprang.

The life experience of any person living on an earth world does, abstractly speaking, assume an interplay of atomic forms which have become familiar to him in his evolution such as houses, trees, mountains, other people, et cetera, and his daily life consists of moving around with a limited number of atomic forms—all of which are immediately related to his consciousness as oscillating wave forms which again are oscillating in a limited spectrum relative to his third-dimensional world. Therefore, in any manner or way that he leaves his physical body and enters the spirit world or the fourth dimension, he will meet and live in an infinitely filled dimension of oscillating cyclic wave forms which he cannot directly relate as consciousness. They mean nothing to him.

It must also be remembered that in this fourth-dimensional cosmos there is no time or space. Because of the previously described interrelated harmonic oscillations taking place in the net sum and total of the interdimensional cosmos, everything and anything exists simultaneously anywhere; that Consciousness can integrate certain wave forms pertinent and relevant to, and as the substance of whatever is being objectively conceived in consciousness.

Therefore, any Being who can interpret this interdimensional cosmos does not go anywhere. He merely tunes Consciousness to whatever he wishes and it’s there; he’s in it, oscillating with it, just like tuning your radio or television. However, an earthman unfamiliar with the interdimensional cosmos (the spirit world) cannot interpret or “tune in” to this oscillation in a way which would be a tangible form of consciousness. He must therefore, by his own efforts or lack of them, live in a dream world of memory oscillations contained in his psychic anatomy—or a Being such as a Unariun Brother can come to his aid and by means of projection, actually project into his consciousness certain energy wave forms which are relative to his (the earthman’s) understanding and his past life experiences. Therefore, he does consciously seem to travel. He may even seem to see cities and towns all relative to his earth life, all of which are actually auric or electromagnetic radiations of these material objects related to him and rectified in his consciousness—a direct facsimile analogous to television transmissions projected into your home and interpreted by your television set as forms relative to your consciousness.

So you see, here again correct and proper analysis is most necessary when we enter into any of the current aspects of human life, whether they are everyday, mundane, physical life experiences or whether they relate to some of the more mystical aspects. Again, all such knowledge which can correctly solve these enigmas and riddles will be knowledge most pertinent and valuable to you when you leave your physical body, either temporarily or permanently. And that, dear friend, is the purpose of Unarius—to give you this knowledge.

I might even add: if you don’t begin to develop this knowledge, to use it, to make it part of your life, then you’re going to keep on revolving around in this little material hell-hole until you disintegrate, sucked dry by the subastral forces, etc. This is not a threat; it’s a prediction and a very accurate one, based upon the life experiences of countless millions of people.

We the Unariuns are here to aid you in all possible ways, and yes, sometimes the impossible; but primarily, we depend upon your efforts, your dedication.

Excerpt from Tempus Interludium, Vol. II

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