
by Ernest L. Norman

In a number of places in the Unariun literature we have mentioned miracles. We have used this subject in frequent discussions in our books and, in most cases, a distinct attempt has been made to play down the miracle and its importance, and for reasons which we shall discuss. We have even used references and claims of miracles in our advertising media; so in all fairness to you and to us, we will ‘lay it on the line’ so to speak and be perfectly frank and honest.

No, we are not attempting to back down from claims we have made regarding miracles that have happened to people who have become Unariuns. In almost all cases, miracles have happened to those who have joined Unarius. There is, however, an occasional, and fortunately quite rare case wherein some individual becomes disturbed, who thinks he has been cheated because he claims no miracle has happened to him despite the obvious fact that even without a miracle he has become a much more intelligent human by simply reading the Unarius works which would make this small investment mere trivia.

We here at the Center, including the Moderator, do not deny miracles and we are constantly at work with the Unariun Brotherhood to achieve at least one miracle in each Unariun‘s life. However, we do this with certain reservations: that every Unariun must thoroughly understand the nature of a miracle and the reason it was worked for him.

Unless it is so thoroughly understood, a miracle is more dangerous than a stick of dynamite in the hands of a child. Instead of doing great good, it can actually become a deadly opiate. It can make a person dependent on future miracles for the dissolution of all future problems and crises. Thus, it will destroy his moral integrity, the will to learn, the reason to live, etc.

Finally, to clarify the subject of miracles, we should describe what a miracle is. Of course you have read about the miracles of Jesus and you may have had your own miracle. All of this however, may be a lot of magic, hocus-pocus-abracadabra, etc., until all elements and processes are clearly understood. There is no magic in a miracle. It is a lot of preparation and hard work using the highest scientific principles and knowledge available to personalities who have advanced beyond the earth life.

A miracle therefore, should be received as a personal beneficent blessing; one to help us overcome some great problem but above all, it should convey to us a personal message which portrays to us the undreamed of, unlimited potential of human consciousness. It should suggest to us the possibility that you, or any person can develop this potential to the point where and when the miraculous way is a way of life and, in this realization, the great desire is born to achieve this development and thus acquire this great human potential as a realistic life expression.

Therefore, as a Unariun, if you had, or that you may have a miracle happen to you, then accept it as a challenge to develop your own potentials. Do not let it become a moral opiate whereby you will become dependent and mentally flaccid or unable to solve your own problems. And if you work at it hard enough and long enough, you will be able to acquire miracles by your own efforts.

Until such time, however, the Unariun Brotherhood stands ready to assist in and deliver miracles to those deserving students who have met and fulfilled the necessary requisites which are most necessary in the initial stages of their development.

A miracle happening in anyone’s life took, quite possibly, hundreds of years in preparation and preconditioning. Finally, at the right moment and at certain junctions of cycles, etc., certain great energy Powers come from the Minds of the Higher Beings, psychokinetically projected. Other Powers come from certain kinds of scientific apparatus which have been described in the books. The combination of these intelligent energy Powers changes, alters, cancels and reconstitutes psychic anatomy malformations with subsequent rehabilitation of the physical anatomy and the expressionary phase of life.

So, if you look forward to the time when you can perform miracles, just remember it is hard work; harder work than you have ever done before. (And perhaps it is fortunate that the Advanced Personalities do not perspire, otherwise the earth might well be drenched and drowned by Their efforts to keep the world in some semblance of harmony and make evolution possible for the earth man).

Excerpt from Tempus Procedium

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