Shakespeare Speaks

by Ernest L. Norman

A hearty welcome to you again to our ‘little’ community of Parhelion; and I see that you are again standing at the entrance of that particular part of this great city devoted to the higher forms of art, so relative to your earth plane. I am speaking, of course, in continuance of the previous transmission which was given you by Kung Fu. One of my worthy compatriots here in this particular section; but I will first introduce myself. I was quite well known upon your earth planet several hundred years ago; and I believe I left a few little bits of writings around, which you occasionally remember. I have been known as Shakespeare; but do not doddle on the outside, instead come right on in. I know that you never will cease to be amazed at the display of electropyrotechniques which you see about you. May I say that I have been here for hundreds of years, and I still am thrilled at the continual re-occurrence of these displays of energies. To you earth people, your nearest object for comparison would be the Aurora Borealis or the Southern Lights, which play about the North Pole.

In the previous transmission, Kung Fu led you about the various sections, and a rather sketchy tour was instituted. I believe that it will be to your advantage if we go into several of these centers and more thoroughly examine what it is that we call classrooms, or various other centers, of learning. We have continually tried to impress you with the tremendous size of these centers into which this great city is divided; and this section of Muse, as you would call it, is no exception. Let us go first into this room for which I have a particular affinity, since it is more relevant to that type of literature and the expression of the art known as drama on the earth plane. We shall pass through this large doorway and enter into what has been previously called a room. As you will see, the word room was used merely for lack of a word more adequate. First, looking above you, the ceiling, if we can call it such, is more than 100 feet above you and does not possess the appearance of a ceiling in the commonly accepted meaning of the word; rather it is a pulsating, throbbing conglomeration of brilliantly hued flowing colors, which seem to stream back and forth in the immediate space above you; so that you are not seeing any particular solid substance; instead, living, breathing, pulsating energies with which you have now become somewhat familiar. Lowering your gaze to the level about you, you will see also that all the things before you take on a very sylvan appearance. In other words, it looks like a tremendous flower garden or a horticulturist’s dream.

Let us walk slowly down one of these pathways because a little farther along I have something very wonderful to show you. As we pass by these many different types of flora and fauna, the beautiful trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers, all growing in a luxury profusion which defies description, you will think that this is indeed a strange classroom, and so it is. Occasionally, as we walk along through this pathway, we see benches, or settees, set back away from the path, somehow as they would be in the earth parks. Here the students or the instructors may pause for a moment’s inspiration in whatever particular object they are desirous of interpreting. As we walk along this pathway, I would like to explain to you that many of the personages whom you will see from time to time, may be noted in these endeavors; and as they are all more or less advanced souls, you may be interested to know that they appeared on your earth plane from time to time in a natural sequence or order, as you call reincarnation. You can say that Archimedes appeared later upon your earth as Albert Einstein; or you might say that many of the other old Grecian or pre-Grecian philosophies, even those who were of Egypt and China, have since reappeared from time to time on your earth plane.

Nor are they limited here. They could and have appeared likewise in other planes, which are somewhat relative to your own earth existence, although I have not appeared on your earth plane since I passed from there in my last reincarnation, as Shakespeare. I intend to reappear there shortly within the next hundred years or so, as it will then be possible for many of us to assist in the working out of what you call the Aquarian Age.

Now that we have approached closer to the center, you will see that this vast parkway about you is becoming more open; and there is not the seeming abundance or profusion of plant life. Instead, you will see open places which are carpeted with a deep moss-like substance which seems to gleam and sparkle with all of the colors of the rainbow. But at last we are here and I see that you are gasping with amazement; for before you is a rather large bowl-shaped depression, possibly two or three miles in diameter. Around and about this bowl are scattered innumerable small trees and shrubbery, moss-covered stones, settees, and various other things which may be associated with the thought of reposing or reclining. Down in the center of the great bowl is a small circular lake, filled with the same liquid crystal energies, which you first saw tumbling down on the rocks on the mountain on your first visit. In the center of this small lake is a huge flat-top stone of some glittering and glowing crystal substance, from the center of which springs a beautiful cascading fountain.

On your earth you now have something which I believe you call the dancing waters. As you will notice, the fountain playing from this huge stone is of that nature, and cascades up and down and seems to dance in a variety of iridescent colors. You will also see about you, stretched around on the sides of the bowl-like depression, innumerable personages who are my fellow students and are also those who, from time to time, take over, in a small way, the idea of instructing.

I have brought you here purposely at this time as there is to be a lecture given by one of the higher personages, who is to come here today to deliver a talk on some of the higher sciences in the composition of word-form languages which are used in the various earth planes. I would not give you this man’s name, as the name would mean nothing to you, since he has not appeared on your earth plane for several thousands of years. He comes from another plane which deals primarily with a group of physical earth planes in another part of the universe.

However, let us recline here on this mossy bank and appreciate the beauty of the scene before us while we wait for the proper time. You will see that the beautiful cascading fountain in the middle of the lake is slowly diminishing and finally dies away completely. Now there is a strange hushed silence, where a few moments before there was the singing song of the energies as it played from the fountain. Now this too has ceased. Suddenly there appears on the surface of the stone where the energies had just been playing a particularly beautiful form of something which looks like a large elongated flame. You are wondering whether this is a person; yes, indeed it is a person, but one whom you cannot see in a true dimension or form or size. This man is appearing here in the form of a flame because he has come from one of the higher dimensions in which the more relative earth plane expressions of forms or dimensions do not exist. In other words, he has long since ceased to need the use of arms or legs. Neither does he use eyes or vocal cords or any other physical appurtenances which are familiar to your physical body. Instead, he is a pure expression of an individualized form of Divine Energy as it comes from the Fountainhead. As you can easily see, he is much farther advanced than we are here; in fact, he may, in a sense of the word, be even farther along the pathway than some of our leaders here who are leading this portion of Shamballa.

Now you will see that this wonderful, beautiful glowing flame is about ten feet in height, if I can use your familiar earth plane equations of measurements. As I said before, he presents no physical appearance, as you would define a physical appearance; but you are immediately impressed in your mind by some sort of intelligence, a very strong feeling of force which you have heretofore been somewhat cognizant of, but not yet fully appreciated. In the case of this personage, he is, since he is so tremendously advanced, able to radiate and project from his mind a great amount of Radiant Energy which is then permeating your mind. This is the lecture. To you it means nothing, but to the mental eyes and ears about you it means a vast deal more. It is a sort of catalysis or an energy which permeates their minds and which helps to shape the various wave forms and vortexes which will go into making up what you call their intelligence. Those who are attentive here will later on evolve around these various centers to the point where they can visualize something of the science or the philosophy with which they are in affinity. They will wish to incarnate into some physical plane and thus become a teacher or an exponent of the expression which they have learned here. The personage whom you see before you on the huge center portion of the stone in the lake is projecting these energies into the minds of the thousands of teachers and students who are sitting about the bowl-like depression about this little lake.

As you watch the personage as he stands there, the flame is not stationary, but seems to move and throb and pulsate or oscillate in a continual succession of peculiar wave forms. There also seems to be something around the apex or the top part of the particular wave which changes color in a rapid succession of frequencies. These colors run the gamut of all the known shades of the rainbow, and a few hundred added. These are actually, in an advanced form, projected into the minds of the students who are listening to this lecture. This lecture will go on for perhaps fifteen to twenty minutes, in your earth time dimension. However this is a very irrelevant factor and means little or nothing, as time has an entirely different characteristic here on Parhelion. Actually what may appear to be fifteen or twenty minutes here, could be a year or ten years on the earth plane; for the difference is not in the time, but in the amount of whatever things are being done. In other words, we do nothing in time; thus time becomes something which is not of necessity whereby we measure our lives but becomes more the quotient whereby we learn of the various things and do the various duties for which we have devoted our lives and our intelligence.

I see that there has been something of a break down in our transmission and until we establish a more complete contact, let us discontinue here for a moment, and pass into one of the other large rooms, since by now the Master, as we shall call him, has finished the lecture which he came here to give and has disappeared; and in his place the waters again are playing in their iridescent fashion upon the large stone on which he appeared in the center of the lake.

Come now let us walk up this pathway which is a shortcut back into another of the scientific centers. You will no doubt wonder how many of the musicians, the artists, the poets who have appeared, (and they number many hundreds), have learned their particular art, as they have expressed it. Many have been outstanding and before their time. There are very definite reasons why these things exist; we are pointing out to you that they must learn these arts and sciences before they can reincarnate into an earth plane existence. In turn these individuals from these centers are, in consequence, learning from the higher Masters and Lords from even higher planes than our plane of existence, as they are expressed in these Centers. So is the natural sequence or evolution of knowledge or wisdom; this incarnating and reincarnating from the higher to the lower realms is the working out or Divine manifestation of the Supreme Intelligence or radiating power which permeates from the Central Vortex.

Now we have arrived in this especially large portion which I shall call a laboratory. You are immediately impressed, as I see, by an array of very weird and strange looking apparatus which stretches out before you. Here again is a very large center which is devoted exclusively to the science of vibration or vibronics. Here students from all spiritual concepts in the various sciences are intermingled, regardless of their particular expression, and are learning the more fundamental scientific concepts which go into the make-up of their own expression. Be it poetry or drama, there is a natural conclusive sequence of word form which, in their proper usage, will start a series of wave train formations called sound. The sound, in impressing its intelligence in the various nerve centers of the brain of the human on the earth plane, will immediately correlate such vibration with previous experiences or with such happenings of his life; and thus he will be impressed with whatever emotional experiences that will tend to relax or bring him into closer contact and harmony with the more vital and natural forces permeating his being. Thus he can undergo a tremendous emotional experience while witnessing a play on the stage, or hearing an orchestra rendering some very beautiful rendition or some great masterpiece. In all cases, however, the fundamental science of vibronics, which lie behind these things, must be thoroughly learned and impinged into the psychic consciousness of the composer or whoever brought forth this particular expression. You simply do not take countless words and throw them together or a lot of notes and spread them about on paper and expect to get good results. So here we shall see hundreds, yes, thousands of students who are learning the proper composition of tone forms or word pictures in their various constituents of wave train energies which have a very definite relationship, not only to the nerve centers of the human, but also to some of the physical centers, which are also masses of nerve centers.

As we are walking about, your mind is continually impressed by what you might think are strange bongs, pings, twangs, and various other peculiar sounding notes which seem to come into your consciousness. You are also impressed by some other things that you have not yet learned to distinguish. Actually these word-form pictures are not expressed by the suggestive word vowels and consonants of your language used on the earth plane; instead they are actual energies which have been projected into your consciousness from these sources, and these particular wave-form trains are impressing certain sequences or intelligence into your mind. In other words, it is merely another form of mental telepathy. In this case, the telepathic communion has, as its source, one or more of these electronic apparatuses which you see about you, used by these students to produce these various wave-train energies; so by now you will begin to understand that it is not necessary to use the expression of the vocal cords in resonating some kind of an intelligent thought pattern through or to the mentality of the individual. You will see here also what appears to be some of the more familiar earth plane instruments used in your orchestras, such as the trumpets, the violins, the cello, the wood winds, and the various types of brasses and stringed instruments–yes even the harps. Students here are also learning the usages and the proper production of certain wave train energies for which these instruments were properly designed.

In passing over into this other section, you will be made aware that here are a number of orchestral instruments not found on your earth plane, but are in another plane of existence. You would be at a loss for words in describing them, nor could we take the time in this transmission to do so. However, in each case, on some physical or material plane similar to your earth, you will again find that in the existence of the race of mankind, as it exists on that particular planet, all will express in their own way, their innermost feeling through the various kinds of instruments which you will see. In your jungles the savages are using the more primitive types of percussion instruments, which are merely bones or drums,-the bones or pieces of wood being stretched across logs in a marumba-like fashion. And so starting with these more rudimentary forms of musical instruments, we can go on up and up into the tremendously advanced forms of instruments, which are more purely electronic in nature. Some of them use the principle of reproduction of crystals; others use the pure sine wave formations of electronic energy which are somewhat similar to the electronic organs of your earth planes.

Before I go too far in my transmission today, the name of William Shakespeare will no doubt conjure up one of the problems which has long confronted some of your fellow beings on the earth; the question whether I was once called Francis Bacon or some other names. I shall not attempt to clear up this mystery by saying yes or no at this time; but I shall say that in my day and age at Stratford on Avon, it was very wise and very discreet for a person who wished to express himself in a rather unorthodox fashion, to do so under an assumed name. This precaution could help insure his safety. Other things beside wood were used for fires in those days. In my time on your earth plane, it was not only unlawful and illegal to think differently from those above you, but doing so would result in something which could be extremely painful and might very often result in death.

Now I believe that this will be a very good place for us to discontinue our transmission at this time. I cannot say just now whether I or one of my colleagues here will take over in the next transmission. However, we shall try to make things as interesting as possible, since you no doubt know by now, that the whole idea of the Shamballas is devoted to the scientific and educational researches and expressions of corrective therapies and associated factors in the lives of the earth plane man. It is also associated with the proper interpolation of wisdom and knowledge into some of the numerous astral worlds which are in a lower physical plane, however, in due course of time, these points shall be enlarged upon and explained to you, if you have the patience and the time to write them down. As has been foretold, you will indeed possess much, much more knowledge and wisdom concerning these planets and their influence to your earth planes than ever previously has been given to your earth, and this is for the very important reason that the planet earth (as it is now known to you and peoples about you), is going into a new state of evolution. It shall, as a planet, and to the inhabitants upon that planet, evolve into a higher state of evolution and consciousness. The rocks, the earth, the trees, the animals,-yes, even the people you see about you, will evolve into a higher dimension. Such is the scheme of creation, as was conceived by the Divine Intellect. So all of these things must progress and evolve forward, even though they may be ever so slow, in your sense of time, for surely they will, since this is the Divine Plan. Until such further time, may God’s Peace be with you.

Excerpt from The Voice Of Eros

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