Spiritual Psychiatry

Energy: The Missing Link in Today’s Science

Lesson 2 – The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

by Ernest L. Norman

Greetings, friends.

As you must know, we are indeed most happy to have you with us again and that means you are ready for these new truths and teachings which we are most grateful to be able to play some small part in bringing to you.

Always bear in mind, dear ones, that we get out of a thing only that which we put into it. Only by our ability to be open-minded about these newer concepts are we able to let fall away, shall we say, other static conditions that may have been taught to us or previously discussed. There are many people in the world today who know of the existence of many things but are unable to describe them factually and in a way which people can understand them. This is the purpose of Unarius.

Last Saturday, you may be interested to know, we found after rerunning the tape transmission that Leonardo da Vinci was the Master who overshadowed and influenced the answers to the questions in the talk. We have several recordings from this great teacher and scientist and have come to know his personality and his delivery quite well. He does carry a tremendous volume of power.

In the future, various other scientists, Masters, teachers, Lords, and Logi will come in to overshadow; to help give the discourses and necessary information. (I may add here that at no time do I personally ever lose consciousness but am very aware of every word, thought and feeling which passes through my lips and being.)

We would not have it said that you go out into the world with any particular topic or subject which is relative to the existence of mankind in the terrestrial dimension known as the earth in which you cannot talk intelligently and enter into such discussions as will be worthwhile for the general purpose and service of mankind. It is very obvious, as was mentioned last Saturday, that the world had reached a very critical time. We have long since approached and gone beyond that point at which mankind needs a new philosophy, a new understanding and a new purpose. However, during similar great crises in history, when mankind has reached the transition of these great cycles, Avatars or Masters have appeared as moderators of the various essential Spiritual ingredients which were necessary for man to exist.

Primarily and instinctively within us all, we are quite aware that we are not necessarily creatures of circumstance, happenstance or desire. As we entered into this subject last Saturday, the world today is torn between what we call two factions of expression. One consists of the more ancient fundamentalisms of the past which have been in existence for at least two thousand years. In this country these various religious, theosophical and occult organizations number somewhere in the neighborhood of nine thousand. These are all basically derivatives of the ancient or semi-ancient philosophies which have come out of the past.

Another faction of expression is that of the very advanced material science which deals completely with the scale of atomic weights in the elements which are known to be about one hundred. To the scientist of the present, the ancient religions are more or less fairy stories. A scientist is concerned with testing of agents, catalytic elements, reactions, etc., and with the various resources and instrumentations which are found in the laboratory.

By means of laboratory tests, energy becomes a manifestation which pulsates on the screen of the oscilloscope. There is nothing happenstance or happenchance in the life of the scientist. Formula is proved and reproved definitely and beyond the question of a shadow of a doubt before it becomes the accepted tenure of the scientific mind. Therefore, to the scientist and, whether the dyed-in-the-wool scientist or the hard-rock-core scientist, the philosophies, whether they are Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroasterianism, or whatever other concepts which are possible to conceive are, in themselves, legendary in nature. It is not because the scientist is not religious in nature. In my own relationship to the scientific world, I have found all scientists very deeply religious but they are religious in a very different way, in a different sense of the word, than are the so-called Christians.

Physical science, of course, is not without its faults or shortcomings but we should remember that the physical science which we have in this day and age has been in existence primarily, for the most part, for less than one hundred years. Pasteur has been dead only sixty years and, as you know, much of the research work in pathogenic bacteriology was given by Pasteur. So it is with many of the different branches or concepts and phases of science, and which deal primarily in a reactionary nature with the 101 elements.

The faction which is missing in the present-day physical science is the acceptance of the spiritual sciences as a workable essential relativity in the life of man. Heretofore, and until the present time, this correlation has been primarily the task of some highly developed clairvoyants or mediums. These things may have been taken into consideration in such spiritual channels as the Spiritualist churches or in such various obscure demonstrations of individuals or groups throughout the world.

We have also, other groups known in the world as researchers in parapsychology. We are all familiar with the work which the Rhines at Duke University have been doing for the past forty or fifty years, using extrasensory perception with cards, etc., to discover whether man does have any of these higher senses to any degree of a useable or functional form. There are various other psychic research organizations which are doing considerable work and making strides along these lines.

However, as far as fundamental Christianity is concerned, it resides today in just the same position as it has occupied for many years. It is torn, twisted and distorted from within itself by various confusions, conflicts, derelictions and distortions.

Jesus, Himself, gave a very straightforward, simple doctrine which was based primarily upon the inner concept of man and his existence with these planes. As we all know, it was not until the reign of Constantine, the Roman Emperor, and the Milan Edict, and various other things which came into existence some two hundred years after the death of Jesus, before Christianity became legal. Until that time it was open season on Christians. If we look into the history of Buddha, we shall find that he, too, came and left the earth; but it was not until the reign of King Asoka two hundred and thirty-five years later that Buddhism became known outside of the province in which Buddha was born.

Zoroaster was likewise not accepted in his own community; he lived and died unknown. Although he even tried to go into other sections of the world and teach the people what he had been taught, it was not until one hundred and fifty years later that Zoroastrianism became a generally accepted theology in the land of Chaldea.

In regard to Christianity, we may say that paradoxically enough, it is the Christian himself, the orthodox Christian, who knows the least about his own religion. Even the outsider knows more about Christianity than does the Christian. The reason for this fact is very obvious. As we say, water seeks its own level and people will eventually find a level of intelligence from which they function best. That is the law; it is the innate desire within each individual. The Bible being the translator and the paragon of all the virtues, you will find as far as the Christian is concerned, that he bases his entire life on extractions from the Bible. He has sought to rule and dominate the pagan world. If the Christian were sufficiently enlightened in the doctrine which he professes to know and tries to teach, if he would go back into the course of history, he would find that Christianity has its roots and was nourished in the soil of occultism in the Far East and in the Near East.

More than two thousand years before the birth of Jesus, Abraham, the Reformer, was living in Chaldea. He was not satisfied with the various types of derelictions which were being practiced by the various priests in the different temples at that time. So Abraham set out to do something about it. One of the first things that converted the people into the ways which Abraham taught was a kind of astronomical phenomenon; from somewhere out of the sky, a meteorite came crashing out of the heavens. This so impressed the people that he was able to form a new religion. They became known as the Israelites.

And so in the passing years, Abraham led the Israelites out of Chaldea. Picking up their trail some five or six hundred years later in Egypt with the appearance of Moses and the story with which we are all familiar, he led those people away from slavery and captivity into the “Promised Land”.

In the Bible story we also learned of the building of the new city of Jerusalem and the Temple of Solomon, of the reaching of the promised land, and of the setting forth of all of the doctrines and all of the teachings which were given to the people of that time.

The average Christian does not know that the meteorite which fell at Abraham’s feet was, and is to this day in the inner citadel in the city of Mecca. It is the inborn duty, the desire of every Mohammedan to go into that citadel. He believes that he will not go to heaven until he does so and he walks seven times around the stone and then kneels and kisses this so-called sacred object.

The Christian points his finger at the Moslem and cries “pagan” and the Moslem points his finger at the Christian and calls “infidel”. The average Christian does not know that Mohammedanism, as set forth in the Koran, is drawn from the first five books of the Bible. While the Presbyterians, the Catholics and the various other denominations of the fundamentalists are sending missionaries into the Eastern world to convert the heathen, the so-called heathen is sending missionaries into the Western world to convert the Christian. One of these missionaries who was, incidentally, very successful in his mission and who came out of India, was Paramahansa Yogananda, who established Realization Centers throughout the world, some in the United States. Yogananda passed on into the higher worlds or dimensions in 1952. This Indian, a very learned and intelligent man, compounded some of the Western science, some of the Eastern occultism and, perhaps some of the more acceptable and really realistic psychologies and tenures of learning.

And so it is that the weaknesses, the clumsiness of the various factions which are in existence today give rise to so much confusion in the everyday life of the average citizen. You people are fortunate, for you have at least one foot in the doorway, one foot upon the Path of Truth. But there are many in this outside world who do not have these advantages or these opportunities sponsored by the innate desires of your own selfhood which has led you into the Light of this Truth. I am not necessarily speaking of this service or of these lessons but of the constructive manifestations of the Infinite. The message of all of the great Avatars of the past has been one simple easily-understood doctrine. As Jesus so aptly expressed it, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, which is within, and all things shall be added unto you.”

It is the purpose of Unarius to explain what the inner Kingdom is, what its function is, what it is composed of, what it does, and how you are connected to it with your inner self. Up until now there has been little, if any, available knowledge pertaining to what might be termed the spiritual worlds, the dimensional worlds outside this dimension which the scientist calls space. Space to scientists today is rather a vague and insecure concept which is constantly being subjected to different changes. One day he may think it is shaped like a saddle, another day he may think it is circular. Einstein himself went into the most abstract of mathematical formulas to try to conceive with in his mind and the objective mind what this dimension of space really is. This question cannot be answered by a mathematical formula. It never has been and never shall be.

Space, the spiritual worlds, and all things which reside in them, all substance and its elements and, in the infinite sense and in the abstract formations, all which we call God, is so completely abstract that it will have to be visualized; it will have to be assimilated, not in one lifetime, not in one progression but in thousands of progressions and lifetimes.

There are several other points which I would like to clarify in regard to orthodox fundamentalism of Christianity which has so badly torn the various church groups and other derelictions of the Christian world. And there are two of the subjects which are most debatable. The immaculate conception is one, and the other problem is the personal intercessor or–is there a Christ who will save everyone? There is. If we were to approach the average scientist today on the subject of immaculate conception and, speaking as one who took genetics in college, we would very likely get a number of answers, all of them basically physical.

The problem of immaculate conception in itself, as far as the spiritual world is concerned, must be taken just as it is literally. From 2,000 B.C. to about 550 A.D., at the time of Mohammed, there was a great deal of immaculate conception going on. It seems as though most everyone who had a little spiritual knowledge and who managed to accumulate a small following of people, sooner or later had the stigma of immaculate conception tacked on to him. The original concept of the immaculate conception—and the average Christian would be very glad to know where it started—goes back to the tombs of Egypt at least fifty or sixty thousand years ago. On the temple walls, on the tombs and in the Pyramids of Egypt today are scenes which depict Osiris, the god of life and death, sitting on his throne on the judgment day. In front of Osiris is Horus, his son, a son by divine and immaculate conception. Osiris overshadowed Isis, mother of earth, she conceived Horus and, since Osiris was of Spirit, here was the first divine conception. The belief that as the dead stepped up to be judged, if they were vile and wicked, they would call loudly to Horus, who would intercede for them. He would ask Osiris to be merciful.

At the beginning of the Christian church, you will remember if you have studied along the historical lines, that after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a man known as Saul. Saul was half Roman and half Jew. He was a tent maker by trade but succeeded by clever manipulation to elevate himself into some sort of jurisdictional position. He was violently opposed to Jesus and the mission in which He taught. For several years after the crucifixion, he persecuted all Christians unmercifully. We know how Saul—who later became known as Paul—was converted on the road to Damascus. Later Paul went into Greece and set up what was to become the Christian church. Paul, as we would put it in the vernacular of the 20th century, was a very clever operator. He was a business man. He knew how to create a new religion and it is being done today along the same lines as it was then—highly competitive. To make a religion attractive, it was necessary to embody certain elements which were attractive to the people. You had to promise a lot of things at that time. Unfortunately many of those promises could not be kept.

In the Mediterranean countries at that time was a concept or a cultism known as Mithraism. Mithraism was a combination of many elements. Zoroaster, too, like Jesus, was of immaculate conception and was conceived of the Ahura-Mazda, the father of all, who overshadowed mother of earth and, in the presence of shepherds on the hillside bore Mithras, the Son of Light. Among the customs, the observances, and the services which were followed at that time were many which had to deal with certain astrophysical concepts, as astronomy and astrology, if you please. One of these was the Winter Solstice, the 21st of December, the dying of the old year and the rebirth of the new.

So Paul took all the pomp and circumstance, the pageantry of Mithraism, which combined many of the old elements of not only Mithraism itself but many other borrowed concepts from ancient Egyptology or the Hermetic Sciences. He made everything very attractive so that he would be able to proselytize the various occult and theological orders. He had much competition. The pantheon of the Romans as well as the Grecian era at that time were literally peopled with gods and goddesses of all denominations of all kinds.

We all know the myth of Minerva, Mercury and countless others. Plato makes numerous references to these various gods. So did Socrates, Archimedes and Pythagoras. And so Paul wove in many of the most attractive concepts of the different cults and orders. Jesus also became a Son of Immaculate Conception. His birthday is supposed to be the 25th of December. If you remember something of the observances or the order of the Winter Solstice, it ran something like this: three days from the 21st to the 23rd were observed in silence and in meditation and in sadness for the death of the old year. During that time one should look back upon all sins and iniquities and should see how it was possible to forgive all debtors, comparable to our New Year’s resolutions. On the fourth day and especially the evening of the fourth day, there were sacrifices at the accumulate a small following of people, sooner or later had the stigma of immaculate conception tacked on to him. The original concept of the immaculate conception—and the average Christian would be very glad to know where it started—goes back to the tombs of Egypt at least fifty or sixty thousand years ago. On the temple walls, on the tombs and in the Pyramids of Egypt today are scenes which depict Osiris, the god of life and death, sitting on his throne on the judgment day. In front of Osiris is Horus, his son, a son by divine and immaculate conception. Osiris overshadowed Isis, mother of earth, she conceived Horus and, since Osiris was of Spirit, here was the first divine conception. The belief that as the dead stepped up to be judged, if they were vile and wicked, they would call loudly to Horus, who would intercede for them. He would ask Osiris to be merciful.

At the beginning of the Christian church, you will remember if you have studied along the historical lines, that after the crucifixion of Jesus, there was a man known as Saul. Saul was half Roman and half Jew. He was a tentmaker by trade but succeeded by clever manipulation to elevate himself into some sort of jurisdictional position. He was violently opposed to Jesus and the mission in which He taught. For several years after the crucifixion, he persecuted all Christians unmercifully. We know how Saul—who later became known as Paul—was converted on the road to Damascus. Later Paul went into Greece and set up what was to become the Christian church. Paul, as we would put it in the vernacular of the 20th century, was a very clever operator. He was a business man. He knew how to create a new religion and it is being done today along the same lines as it was then—highly competitive. To make a religion attractive, it was necessary to embody certain elements which were attractive to the people. You had to promise a lot of things at that time. Unfortunately many of those promises could not be kept.

In the Mediterranean countries at that time was a concept or a cultism known as Mithraism. Mithraism was a combination of many elements. Zoroaster, too, like Jesus, was of immaculate conception and was conceived of the Ahura-Mazda, the father of all, who overshadowed mother of earth and, in the presence of shepherds on the hillside bore Mithras, the Son of Light. Among the customs, the observances, and the services which were followed at that time were many which had to deal with certain astrophysical concepts, as astronomy and astrology, if you please. One of these was the Winter Solstice, the 21st of December, the dying of the old year and the rebirth of the new.

So Paul took all the pomp and circumstance, the pageantry of Mithraism, which combined many of the old elements of not only Mithraism itself but many other borrowed concepts from ancient Egyptology or the Hermetic Sciences. He made everything very attractive so that he would be able to proselytize the various occult and theological orders. He had much competition. The pantheon of the Romans as well as the Grecian era at that time were literally peopled with gods and goddesses of all denominations of all kinds.

We all know the myth of Minerva, Mercury and countless others. Plato makes numerous references to these various gods. So did Socrates, Archimedes and Pythagoras. And so Paul wove in many of the most attractive concepts of the different cults and orders. Jesus also became a Son of Immaculate Conception. His birthday is supposed to be the 25th of December. If you remember something of the observances or the order of the Winter Solstice, it ran something like this: three days from the 21st to the 23rd were observed in silence and in meditation and in sadness for the death of the old year. During that time one should look back upon all sins and iniquities and should see how it was possible to forgive all debtors, comparable to our New Year’s resolutions. On the fourth day and especially the evening of the fourth day, there were sacrifices at the temple. Offerings were given to the gods for intercession for a new and prosperous New Year. Then the 25th was a day of joyousness and celebration. The new year had arrived literally, in a sense. There was dancing in the streets and feasting in the homes and altogether it was a day of great joy. The Druids, such as the Celts, the Picts, and the Gauls had existed throughout Western Europe, in Ireland and in Scotland for a thousand years or so. The Druid customs in themselves had many of the same observances, with some exceptions. In the Black Forests of Germany, the Gauls frequently on the night of the 24th which was Christmas eve, would offer up to the fir tree, the sacrifice of a young maiden. This was to insure and to pacify the spirit and god of the earth as it was symbolized in the fir tree, since it was the only living thing in the forest other than the mistletoe—-the only green thing in that horrible cold denseness of the winter. With the infusion and infiltration of Christianity, the sacrifice eventually naturally stopped. The fir tree was brought into the house and the gifts to pacify the spirits were placed upon the tree.

So looking back into these various supposedly Christian customs which people observe from year to year and call them “Christian” but which are, in themselves, merely derivatives and extractions of practices of old occultism which existed for many, many thousands of years. Now, perhaps the scientist knows of all these things just as many of us do, and yet the scientist is not entirely without blame.

In the field of genetics, as far as the immaculate conception is concerned, (we shall dwell on this subject for a moment), if you were to approach the geneticist on the problem of immaculate conception, he might answer that today we have a certain branch of genetics which is quite new and which we call parthogenesis. It has been found that if we use a very fine, thin needle to perforate the outside membrane of the ovum or egg of a frog or a rabbit, we can induce artificial insemination. The scientists have actually grown rabbits and frogs in the laboratories without the benefit of fathers, without the factor or benefit of the male element.

It is also quite conceivable that to Masters such as Jesus and to others such as He would naturally be affiliated with and working with, it would be very simple for Mary in sleep state to be transported to some astral plane and, in her absence, artificial insemination could be produced by the projection of mind force (Psychokinesis); no instrumentation would be necessary. It could very easily be done by any man who knew the secrets and science as Jesus did. In this process, He would quite naturally, as is done in many cases of conception, attach Himself in this vibration so that He would come into this world. Therefore, we must say however that theology or fundamentalism is completely incorrect even in the concept of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. Here again we enter into another concept which has been badly confused in ordinary Christian orthodoxy. Jesus was born in ordinary circumstances; his father was Annanias, a temple priest, (also known as Herod Antipas).

It was the purpose and mission of Jesus upon the earth to point out very definitely and very specifically that each and every human being was created from the creative concept of the Infinite Intelligence for an evolutionary purpose. This creation had to first take place in certain dimensions which were not terrestrial in nature; quite naturally the Infinite, being supremely intelligent, would first “create” man in a spiritual form. This spiritual form is sometimes called his Superconsciousness, or it can be called his life cycle. This life cycle is an energy facsimile of all of the infinite qualifications of experience which this man must go through in his future evolutions in the terrestrial dimensions. In so conceiving man-in this Infinity of God, man is thus portrayed in the absolute, and man, through evolution, becomes the ultimate concept of God.

Back in the 1700’s a baby was born in England to a family by the name of Darwin. They named this infant Charles. These people did not know at the time that Charles was going to create such a furor in the scientific and theological centers of our modern world. I think we all remember the Scopes trial in Tennessee which culminated as an outgrowth of the tension between fundamentalism and science and has built up from that time.

This condition was further aggravated by an Austrian Monk by the name of Mendel. (We cannot call these scientists devils because they were very religious in their natures; Darwin kneeled to lead his family in prayer each morning.) Mendel, a pious holy man, found in the plants and flowers of his garden that certain things happened. So genetics, compounded with Darwin’s evolution, became something in which man first came to learn of the creative processes which were going on around him.

Previous to this time there was a great deal of confusion. People believed in spontaneous regeneration or in various other vague notions which have no scientific or factual explanation. So Darwin and Mendel did contribute much to the understanding and learning. They did much to advance the thinking of mankind although these principles in themselves were incomplete. Darwin did not at that time know that in the vegetable and animal kingdom there is a definite cycle of reincarnation or metempsychosis (whichever you wish to call it),just as it is in humans. The spiritual dimensions in which flowers, plants, trees and animals progress back and forth in their cycles are just as important to these plants and animals as they are to humans. So this is how we can learn to understand and to bring into our concepts something beyond the veil of materialism.

Now it should begin to be very obvious to you people by this time, if I have made my points clear, that there are some very definite elements and principles which are lacking in our present stage of development and evolution of mankind. To further verify this situation we might go into it from the standpoint of statistics as they exist in the hospitals, the asylums, the penitentiaries of this great land of ours. We are all being reminded daily that in this world of ours one out of every four will eventually die from cancer.

What is cancer? When the scientist begins to understand that every atom in the human body, like every other atom in the terrestrial dimension, is supported and continually supplied internally with energy from a spiritual dimension, then he will have the key to unlocking and solving the causes of cancer. It is, shall I say, in the malformations in the transposition of the harmonic frequency relationships of the atomic structures with the higher realms and dimensions which give rise to the condition known as cancer. The little atoms which compose the various cells, as they become disunified and lose their directive, internal guidance and force of intelligence, speed up and become wild and erratic and are now destructive instead of constructive.

The atom itself is still a mystery to the scientist. In spite of the fact that he has succeeded in creating both fissionable and fusionable weapons, it is still a mystery and he will never know the innermost secret of what the atom really is until he becomes sufficiently “clairvoyant” to pierce beyond the veil of mortality; likewise he will never know the true cause of cancer. He will never know what the true cause is of the other so-called incurable diseases which are literally taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in our fair land every year, needlessly. Anyone who wishes to go into the hospitals and the asylums can see the truth of this statement.

There are at the present time frequent showings of a series of television programs called “Medical Horizons”. Any of you who have followed them will have at least seen some partial facet of what medical science and psychiatric science is going through at the present time. Oh, it is true that they have made wonderful advances when we remember that psychiatry and medicine have been in existence in their modern form for only a comparatively short time. But there is much to be done and this need will have to be filled from the spiritual side of life. At the present time, science, whether it is medicine or psychiatry, has long passed the point of diminishing returns in the various ways and means in which man has created in the laboratories, scientific apparatus and various other means of discerning conditions in the human body.

We want to remember that it was about fifty years ago that people who suffered from various mental aberrations were known as crazy and locked in cages like animals. They were kept in freezing weather, they were chained, they were beaten, they were left half naked and starved. They were not human any more. We have gone a little further than that; we take them in where it is warm, feed them and keep them clothed. But we still treat them as though they were insane.

When we get to the basic causes of insanity, the scientist or the psychiatrist—if we can call him thus—must go back to the New Testament. He will need to begin where Jesus left off.

Evidentially the modern psychiatrist has gone past the point where he should take the word of an advanced Master such as Jesus. He refuses to recognize the Spiritual elements of man’s transposition in the terrestrial dimension. He refuses to recognize that the atoms in the body are spiritual and of pure energy in all their form and circumstance; likewise the dominion of the psychic self is purely spiritual. The most objective thing which you see around you and which you call solid form or substance is merely an abstract supposition and nothing else. You, just as the walls of this building and every other terrestrial substance which you see about you, are nothing less than a pulsating mass of energy called atoms. Transpose these atoms into any other form and we have energy moving dynamically. Atomic energy is called static, based on 3rd dimension time-space concept. That is why you think it is solid; it is solid only because you are, in comparison, solid to it. If you could raise the vibration of the atoms in your body to a frequency a little different from that in which it normally exists in this world, you could do just as Jesus did, you could walk on water or through the walls of this building or through the stone of the tomb, for that matter. The Flying Saucer men of this day are doing that very thing. They come from other worlds; they fly in ships in which they have succeeded in changing the basic frequency of the atomic structures of the metal. Thus, they can span vast distances which our scientists call space. It is not space at all; instead, it is filled with this pulsating radiant energy which is the Infinite, itself.

Now friends, next week I shall explain to you factually on the blackboard, by means of diagrams and in understandable nomenclature, our first really constructive lesson in the realm of energy. I shall explain just what an atom is, how it comes into this terrestrial dimension and how it is supported. You shall have explained to you what the sun is and how the worlds, the planetary systems exist. I shall try also to relate you to your inward self or inner consciousness which has been called the Christ self. I am going to give strong emphasis to the field of energy and our relationship to it, for this will be the key; and how much you assimilate of this wisdom which shall be given you will depend primarily upon your success in the following lessons because they will all be based upon your ability to conceive energy.

The understanding of energy is the basis for all the missing links in our sciences and in our theology. These will be what we call 4th, 5th and 6th dimensional concepts. They will be given you, not only by myself, but also by working in conjunction and in harmony with people who have lived not only on this planet at different times, but who have long since come and gone and reached the point where they need not return again.

I might quote to you such names as Newton, Einstein, Planck, Faraday, Volta, Lagrange, Copernicus, Galileo, Plato and many others. You can be assured that they will all have their hand in this instruction to bring collected, conglomerate thoughts and wisdom. They will all add the powers of the projection of their minds.

There is something else upon which I would touch at this time, and this is a definite promise not only from myself but also from the others too; each of you may rest assured that you will assimilate the knowledge given in these lessons even though you do not think that you have done so. Even though your conscious or your objective mind does not function on this level or plane, do not be dismayed. You have a psychic self which lives and re-creates you every hour of the day and within this psychic self will be stored this wisdom and knowledge. It will also be made possible for you through these various transitions, that a truer and more perfect contact will be made with the higher self. There will be changes in your life. They may be subtle or they may be strong, but changes will be made, for everyone who walks this path never returns; instead, he goes on to ever higher and higher dimensions and concepts.

The loved ones in the higher spiritual planes and worlds wish to convey to each and every one of you their own personal message, that you will be guided, guarded and protected. They send you the fullest measure of their love and their understanding.

Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

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